Bad Design
Good Design
There definitely is a difference between the two different designs, with the typeface, the colors and design principles, it is clear that the RydenFly shuttle service has a better design. this design has bright colors that are pleasing to the eye and I like how there is a change of color with the "n" between "Ryde" and "Fly" they used the law of symmetry and proximity with the colors, grouping the two words together. There is the Law of continuity also is suggested in this design, with the horizontal stripe on the van itself, drawing the eye along to the front and back of the car. I also thought it was nice to have the "airport shuttle" in white as well because it makes the image more cohesive with the "n" as white also. The image of the plane is very suitable and makes the onlooker know what the service is, and it uses the same color scheme grouping it to the wording. There is a lot of contrast within this design, the bright green and the blue are very different making the wording pop and the white letters to stand out as well.