Monday, December 5, 2016

Levity Apparel Artifacts

Levity Apparel Logo: 

Levity Apparel is a company targeted towards young adults that can relate to the companies motto of "Live more, Stress less, you do you!" and having a "lightness of mind" therefore I wanted to brand this company in a way that would be appealing to the eye and emulate the phrase that the company has adopted as their way of life and the type of people they are trying to attract with their clothing and brand. We wanted to create something with the rebranding that is simple yet interesting that anyone could recognize and would give the company a very clear identity. 

Logo design: 

The logos that I created I designed to represent a Wheel, because the company represents a type of person who is interested in cars, with curved shapes that represent flames. I wanted to represent a logo that targets a specific audience.  That audience has a love for cars, including fast paced thrill seekers, living in the moment and knows how to leave the world behind.  The kind of person who doesn't have many cares in the world and loves to drive.  The motto - live more, stress less.  

There is a balance of contrast and harmony with these designs as well as some gestalt principles that are important to add for any good logo. there is definitely a contrast in shapes from the very geometric Circle creating the wheel to the organic shape of the flames that makes the design more appealing, interesting, and memorable. Also the size contrast is apparent as well, the size of the flames and how they get smaller as it rises give the design depth and movement. The contrast in the design gives it harmony and turns the logo into a cohesive object instead of just shapes put together. I also wanted to incorporate the gestalt principles with the logo design and a figure ground relationship. The cutouts of the wheel incorporating the flames that move behind the wheel and get smaller give the design a figure ground relationship altogether creating a cohesive shape. Along with Figure/ground there is also a good use of negative and positive space with the design. There is the law of similarity and and proximity with the similar shapes of the circles and the curved flame shapes grouped those figures together. There is also the law of continuity because the eye follows a path with these shapes and give it a sense of movement and direction. The design is looked at its simplest form, and it is actually a group of complicated shapes so it also has the law of pragnanz. Lastly I noticed the law of closure with the cutouts created that makes the eye group those shapes as a whole. 
I also created this logo to give the company more options and a variety of designs to use for their branding and merchandise. I wanted to create something a little more simplified and something that goes back to more vintage logos that can be used for a variety of things. the design and color is very simplistic and I added the flame to incorporate flames so each design is cohesive. 

There is a contrast of shapes with this design the lines and the circle.  There are also Gestalt principles demonstrated in this logo design as well. The lines create shapes that group them together using the law of similarity, and they are near each other so that also showcases the law of proximity. The letters are the same type and the same placement the eye groups them together. I also wanted to create some logo designs that would work well for web design that could be any color and shrunk any size. Also that work with the axioms of web design that has been created and used for the website design, such as continuity, which has been used for this logo, a grid, and contrast. 


I wanted to create something for this company that shows the buyer that the company cares even after the purchase with something that adds extra detail and thought to make someone want to buy more. I think it is extremely important for a company to put thought and effort into the details and designs of the packaging to showcase the company and that they really care about the person buying from them.  

There are also several design aspects used for these clothing tags, I will mostly discuss the tag on the left. There is a contrast with the lightness of the pattern and the solid black, there is also a difference in textures created by the pattern. It gives the design a sense of harmony and balance because of the placement of the pattern and the contrasts. I felt like the composition of the tag with the business of the pattern and the contrast of the black, balance each other out. There are also gestalt principles used. The pattern showcases the law of similarity, continuity, and proximity. The lines create movement direction, and interest because of these gestalt principles. These tag designs also followed the style guide with the simple colors and sharp typeface it showcases the cohesive look of all the products and designs.